Gantt Viewer visualises
schedules defined as a set of activities connected via precedence
constraints and allocated to unary resources. During the visualisation
the software highlights violated resource and precedence constraints.
In addition to visualisation, the software can fully automatically
repair violated precedence and unary resource constraints by locally
altering the schedule.
Gantt Viewer was developed at Constraint Satisfaction
and Optimisation Research Group (Department of Theoretical Computer
Science and Mathematical Logic, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,
Charles University in Prague) as a student's projects by Tomáš
Skalický under the supervision of Roman Barták.
use this reference when referencing the software:
Barták, T. Skalický: A local approach to automated correction of violated
precedence and resource constraints in manually altered schedules
Proceedins of MISTA 2009: Fourth Multidisciplinary International
Scheduling Conference: Theory and Applications, Dublin, Ireland, 2009,
pp. 507-517.